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How long is too long to wait for a proposal? A healthy reflection

How long is too long to wait for a proposal? You and your boyfriend have been dating for three years, you two have a stable relationship and get along quite well. Your families know each other and you have even shared meetings where everything went smoothly. You two have a lot in common and have the same perspective of fulfillment in life.

How long is too long to wait for a proposal
How long is too long to wait for a proposal

The reality is that you and your boyfriend are in love and have a great time when you are together. In this context, you wonder why he hasn’t proposed to you yet. There may be many reasons, but first, you should think carefully about the following question: How long is too long to wait for a proposal? Here are some thoughts for you to find the right answer.

How long is too long to wait for a proposal?

Your boyfriend is not ready to get married. He loves you but for various reasons is not yet ready to marry you. If you really love him you should wait until he is ready for that challenge. You may have to wait a few years until he wants to get married. The younger he is, the more years you should wait for him. In this specific case, the waiting limit is ten years. Any longer than that would be too long to wait for a proposal.His achievements

If you want to know how long it is too long to wait for a marriage proposal from your boyfriend you should look at the achievements he has made so far. For a man, the following goals are extremely important: a college degree, a house of his own, a good car, an excellent job or business of his own, an excellent monthly income, among others.

If he has achieved all of these but has not yet proposed to you, you should wait at most two years. More than that period would be too long to wait because he has already achieved the major goals of his life.

On the other hand, if he has achieved a few goals or is missing half of his most important goals, you should wait indefinitely.


Many men are slow to mature because they have not resolved issues that have to do with their own identity. If he is clear about his goals in life, the development of his vocation plans to start a family someday, etc. he is ready to marry. In that case, you should wait at most two years, until he feels ready to spend the rest of his life with you.

On the other hand, if you see that he lacks maturity, that he has not found his professional vocation and the idea of starting a family does not appeal to him, maybe you should separate from him. You also have the option of waiting for him for many years until he asks you to marry him. In that case, you will have to help him a lot so that he finds himself.

Your goals

Women today have a myriad of goals beyond marriage. If you are passionate about what you do, cultivate different friendships, train, practice sports, travel to different parts of the world, etc., you can wait for your boyfriend for many years until he asks you to marry him. In this case, there is no waiting time limit because you are too busy with your own affairs. He is probably also focused on his goals and will expect to accomplish them before he gets married.

In short, if you both feel a great enthusiasm for your current reality you can wait many years before joining in marriage. The key to it all is to pay no attention to social mandates and only get married when you both feel ready. You don’t have to take into account the number of years your relationship has been going on.

Follow your intuition

If you and your boyfriend have been in a relationship for several years and he has not yet proposed to you, you should let your feminine intuition guide you to know if you should wait for him for a longer period of time.

You two get along well, you have achieved all the individual goals he has set but maybe he is afraid of getting married because it represents a lot of responsibility. If you feel that he wants to marry you but is not ready yet, you should wait for about two years.

On the other hand, if you believe deep down in your heart that marriage and family are not in your boyfriend’s plans, it is in your best interest to separate from him. You also have the option of convincing him that marriage and children are a beautiful life project. However, that would take a lot of time and energy, think about what is best for you.

There is no exact waiting time

You ask yourself: “How long is too long to wait for a proposal?” Given this circumstance there is a very valuable piece of information you should know: several psychological studies around the world reveal that there is no exact time to wait to get married. Each individual matures at his/her own pace, therefore it is not possible to determine when he or she can get married.

Therefore you can wait a short time until your boyfriend asks you to marry or you can wait for many years. Both alternatives are fine because each individual develops in the various areas of life in his or her own way and in due time. The couple’s family and friends should respect their decisions and not comment on them.


International statistics indicate that a stable couple waits an average of six years before getting married. However, this statistic should not influence your love life. If you ask yourself “How long is too long to wait for a proposal?”  you should know that you should not feel pressured by the passage of time. Men and women evolve in different ways at their own pace so not everyone is ready for marriage at the same age. You must work on yourself to be happy and you will see that everything will align in that direction. 

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How long is too long to wait for a proposal? A healthy reflection
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