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Is It A Good Idea To Have An Open Bar At The Wedding?

Having an open bar relieves many of the added stress that comes with planning a wedding reception menu. Most couples will spend hours deliberating over the selections to please every possible guest taste. While it may be nice to have every option available, many people find that they are too overwhelmed or busy on their wedding day to enjoy the meal.

When an open bar is provided, guests can enjoy whatever they like and don’t need to think about anything other than having a good time.

It might be nice for guests to order sodas or water with dinner, but the bride and groom don’t want people thinking about how much they are spending on beverages.

open bar at the wedding
Is it a good idea to have an open bar at the wedding?

Instead, guests will be free to order whatever is available at the bar, which might include mixed drinks or beer. This can lead people to spend more money than they would have otherwise spent on dinner, but this is also a great way for guests to loosen up and have fun with the celebration.

Willingness to Party

People are more likely to enjoy themselves at an open bar wedding than they will at most receptions. Even if the wedding is supposed to be formal, people will still want to let loose and have some fun. If guests are footing their bar tabs or helping contribute toward one, they may feel obligated to go easy on what they drink so that they don’t spend more than their budget allows. Sometimes, this can lead people to drink just one glass of champagne the entire evening, which means that they are less likely to enjoy themselves or mingle with other guests.

Wedding Favors

The bride and groom may want something small for everyone at the wedding reception as a way of saying thanks for coming. Instead of spending their own money on favors, it’s often better to have an open bar instead. This will help guests relax and enjoy themselves more than they would if they were worried about how much they are spending throughout the evening. The couple might even give out small gifts at the end of the night as a way of saying thank you for attending the wedding.

Open Bars Might Lead to an Increase in Spending on Alcoholic Drinks

People often spend more money than they would normally spend on alcoholic drinks when it is an open bar. People who would only order two glasses of wine over a couple of hours may order five or more if their drink is paid for. This can end up leading to people spending more than they expected, which is why many couples will place a limit on how much guests can drink.

A cup of coffee or tea might be nice at the end of the night, but the open bar should probably remain closed for most weddings. This means that people are free to order whatever they like without having to limit themselves. Some people may not drink at all if they have to pay, while others will drink excessively because it doesn’t matter how much they spend on alcohol.

Some couples include a liquor-only open bar in addition to an alternative option like soda or water because this can give guests more options in terms of what types of drinks they want. This is a good idea for people who would like to offer an open bar, but don’t want alcohol to dominate their wedding or for guests to spend too much money because of the added freedom.

Because an open bar has no limits and will lead to increased spending on alcoholic drinks, it can end up saving the bride and groom a great deal of money in terms of how much they spend on other wedding expenses. If open bar costs less than an alternative option, couples are often better off choosing the former so that they have more to spend elsewhere.

It’s important to note that many people will choose to drink water or soda instead of alcoholic drinks even if the open bar includes options like beer and wine. This means that guests will still spend more on sodas, but less than they would have spent on mixed drinks.


There are many benefits of throwing an open bar. The wedding party will have less stress in planning the reception menu when they know that everyone is drinking for free.

Many people feel obligated to limit themselves on what they drink because it’s their money to waste, but this often leads to drinking one drink the entire evening.

The open bar gives guests the freedom to order whatever they like, and since their drinks are paid for by someone else, they will probably end up spending more money than if they were paying themselves.

Is It A Good Idea To Have An Open Bar At The Wedding?
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